Designed Learning

Early Grades, Question Skills Level F & Level A Pilot

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Early Grades WH- Cards

These cards support all Question Skills materials through oral questioning for early grades & students with additional needs. Early Grades cards present multiple examples of WH-words for students to learn these concepts. Oral Language underpins all learning including learning to reading and comprehend.

Early grades cards are available in 2 sets:

1. WH-Cards (Large): PreK to 2, for oral questioning, when young children are learning to decode and read. Some students struggle to answer oral questions. Visuals and oral modelling can support  and scaffold students' learning how to answer questions.

2. WH_CARDS (Small):  K - 4, also for oral questioning and as writing scaffolds for young students and also older students with additional needs. These cards include multiple examples that are easy to decode and prompt students with ideas for writing. For example Who, When and Where as an Orientation to start a narrative text. 

Question Skills Level F (Approx. Grade 6)

6 Books that include Teacher Manuals and Student Workbooks for 2 Pretests, 36 lessons of explicit instruction and 2 Post-intervention assessments.

Try Level F Book 1 (Teacher Manual and Student Workbook), at a 50% discount price. Level F Book 1 includes six lessons of explicit instruction and pretest assessments for Question-Answering and Oral Reading Fluency. Pre-assessment results enable classroom teachers to see what their students know and can do. Teachers use explicit instruction for writing complete sentences (simple, compound and complex) and correct spelling.

If Level F Book 1 proves effective in your classroom, purchase the 5 Book Bundle, at a 20% discount price - one FREE book. Level F Books 2-6 (Teacher Manual and Student Workbook) all include six lessons of explicit instruction. (See links below or in Shop for purchase)

Question Skills Level A (approx. Grade 1, PILOT)

Question Skills Level A is currently under development and will be intended for Semester 2 of Grade 1, to ensure more students have the essential decoding skills (accuracy and fluency) as well as handwriting or typing skills to complete tasks.

Explicit instruction (Rosenshine's work & Engelmann's work) will underpin these materials.This includes both explicit teaching & instructional design to support successful student learning. These lessons will initially be in draft, with feedback from classroom teachers to refine and revise content.

Schools interested in supporting this development should contact Gail via email: